Supporting art teachers through

How this works:

For every dollar donated, you are awarded one (1) nomination towards a meme or subreddit. The memes with the most nominations become the largest on our creative vision board like a tier list of images used to write this series.

All donations are compiled into a quarterly sum that is given directly to teachers through Donors Choose.

A maximum of 5% is withheld for annual administrative fees including the cost of this website.

No funds will be used for Ai image generation, promotion, research or development.

Everything we make is CC BY-SA 4.0

Education-first Entertainment

Additional rewards include:

  • Web credit (name on this website)………..$5

  • Print credit (end of episode)……..……….$50

  • Ai-assisted commission…………...……..$100

  • Cameo of you or your [OC]…….……...$1000

After every new episode, we’ll post the memes we parodied below.

May the best meme win!


WEb Credit: (Coming soon)